Company Case 2Xerox: Adapting to the Turbulent Marketing EnvironmentXe dịch - Company Case 2Xerox: Adapting to the Turbulent Marketing EnvironmentXe Malagasy làm thế nào để nói

Company Case 2Xerox: Adapting to th

Company Case 2
Xerox: Adapting to the Turbulent Marketing Environment
Xerox introduced the first plain-paper office copier more than 50 years ago. In the decades that followed, the company that in- vented photocopying flat-out dominated the industry it had created. The name Xerox became almost generic for copying (as in “I’ll Xerox this for you”). Through the years, Xerox fought off round after round of rivals to stay atop the fiercely competitive copier industry. Through the late 1990s, Xerox’s profits and stock price were soaring. Then things went terribly wrong for Xerox. The legendary com- pany’s stock and fortunes took a stomach-churning dive. In only 18 months, Xerox lost some $38 billion in market value. By mid- 2001, its stock price had plunged from almost $70 in 1999 to under $5. The once-dominant market leader found itself on the brink of bankruptcy. What happened? Blame it on change or—rather—on Xerox’s failure to adapt to its rapidly changing marketing environ- ment. The world was quickly going digital, but Xerox hadn’t kept up.
In the new digital environment, Xerox customers no longer re- lied on the company’s flagship products—standalone copiers—to share information and documents. Rather than pumping out and distributing stacks of black-and-white copies, they created digi- tal documents and shared them electronically. Or they printed out multiple copies on their nearby networked printer. On a broader level, while Xerox was busy perfecting copy machines, customers were looking for more sophisticated “document management solu- tions.” They wanted systems that would let them scan documents in Frankfurt; weave them into colorful, customized showpieces in San Francisco; and print them on demand in L ondon—even alter- ing for American spelling.
This left Xerox on the edge of financial disaster. “We didn’t have any cash and few prospects for making any,” says current Xerox CEO Ursula Burns. “The one thing you wanted was good and strong leaders that were aligned and could get us through things and we didn’t have that.” Burns didn’t realize it at the time, but she would one day lead the company where she had been groomed for over 20 years. In fact, she was on the verge of leav- ing the company when her colleague and friend, Anne Mulcahy, became CEO and convinced Burns to stay. Burns was then given charge to start cleaning house.
The Turnaround Begins
Task number one: outsource Xerox’s manufacturing. An often criticized and unpopular move, outsourcing was critical to Xerox’s cost-saving efforts. Burns oversaw the process in a way that pre- served quality while achieving the desired cost benefits. And she did so with the blessing of Xerox’s employee union after convinc- ing the union that it was either lose some jobs or have no jobs at all. With the restructuring of manufacturing, Xerox’s workforce dropped from 100,000 employees to 55,000 in just four years. Al- though this and other efforts returned Xerox to profitability within a few years, the bigger question still remained: What business is Xerox really in?
To answer this question, Xerox renewed its focus on the customer. Xerox had always focused on copier hardware. But “we were being dragged by our customers into managing large, complex business processes for them,” says Burns. Before developing new products, Xerox researchers held seemingly end- less customer focus groups. Sophie Vandebroek, Xerox’s chief technology officer, called this “dreaming with the customer.” The goal, she argued, was “involving [Xerox] experts who know the technology with customers who know the pain points. . . .Ulti- mately innovation is about delighting the customer.” Xerox was discovering that understanding customers is just as important as understanding technology. What Xerox learned is that customers didn’t want just copi- ers; they wanted easier, faster, and less costly ways to share documents and information. As a result, the company had to re- think, redefine, and reinvent itself. Xerox underwent a remarkable transformation. It stopped defining itself as a “copier company.” In fact, it even stopped making standalone copiers. Instead, Xe- rox began billing itself as the world’s leading document manage- ment technology and services enterprise. The company’s newly minted mission was to help companies “be smarter about their documents.” This shift in emphasis created new customer relationships, as well as new competitors. Instead of selling copiers to equipment purchasing managers, Xerox found itself developing and selling document management systems to high-level information tech- nology (IT) managers. Instead of competing head-on with copy machine competitors like Sharp, Canon, and Ricoh, Xerox was now squaring off against IT companies like HP and IBM. Although it encountered many potholes along the way, the company once known as the iconic “copier company” became increasingly comfortable with its new identity as a document management company.
Building New Strengths
Xerox’s revenue, profits, and stock price began to show signs of recovery. But before it could declare its troubles over, yet an- other challenging environmental force arose—the Great Reces- sion. The recession severely depressed Xerox’s core printing and copying equipment and services business, and the company’s sales and stock price tumbled once again. So in a major move to maintain its transition momentum, Xerox acquired Affiliated Com- puter Services (ACS), a $6.4-billion IT services powerhouse with a foot in the door of seemingly every back office in the world. The expertise, capabilities, and established channels of ACS were just what Xerox needed to take its new business plan to fruition. The synergy between Xerox, ACS, and other acquired compa- nies has resulted in a broad portfolio of customer-focused prod- ucts, software, and services that help the company’s customers manage documents and information. In fact, Xerox has intro- duced more than 130 innovative new products in the past four years alone. It now offers digital products and systems ranging from network printers and multifunction devices to color printing and publishing systems, digital presses, and “book factories.” It also offers an impressive array of print management consulting and outsourcing services that help businesses develop online document archives, operate in-house print shops or mailrooms, analyze how employees can most efficiently share documents and knowledge, and build Internet-based processes for person- alizing direct mail, invoices, and brochures. These new products have allowed Xerox to supply solutions to clients, not just hardware. For example, it has a new device for insurance company customers—a compact computer with scanning, printing, and Internet capabilities. Instead of relying on the U.S. Postal Service to transport hard copies of claims, these and related documents are scanned on-site, sorted, routed, and put immediately into a workflow system. This isn’t
just a fancy new gadget for the insurance companies. They are seeing real benefits. Error rates have plummeted along with pro- cessing time, and that means increases in revenues and cus- tomer satisfaction.
Dreaming Beyond Its Boundaries
With the combination of Xerox’s former strengths and its new acquisitions, Burns and the rest of the Xerox team now have a utopian image of what lies ahead. They believe the tools and ser- vices they offer clients are getting smarter. “It’s not just processing Medicaid payments,” says Stephen Hoover, director of Xerox’s research facilities. “It’s using our social cognition research to add wellness support that helps people better manage conditions like diabetes.” Hoover adds that the future may see a new generation of Xerox devices, such as those that can analyze real-time park- ing and traffic data for municipal customers, allowing them to help citizens locate parking spots or automatically ticket them when they are going too fast. Already, Xerox is market testing parking meters that are capable of calling 911 or taking photos when a button is pushed. Not all products such as these will hit the mar- ket, but Xerox now has a model that allows it to dream beyond its known boundaries. Throughout this corporate metamorphosis, Xerox isn’t fo- cused on trying to make better copiers. Rather, it is focused on improving any process that a business or government needs to perform and perform it more efficiently. Xerox’s new-era machines have learned to read and understand the documents they scan, reducing complex tasks that once took weeks down to minutes or even seconds. From now on, Xerox wants to be a leading global document management and business-process technology and services provider. With all the dazzling technologies emerging today, Burns ac- knowledges that the business services industry in which Xerox is developing its new core competencies is decidedly unsexy. But, she also points out, “These are processes that a company needs to run their business. They do it as a sideline; it’s not their main thing.” Her point is, running these business processes is now Xe- rox’s main thing. In other words, Xerox provides document and IT services to customers so that the customers can focus on what matters most—their real businesses. Xerox’s transition is still a work in progress. Over the last three years, the company’s revenues and profits have been growing modestly while its stock price has fluctuated. Just as e-mail and desktop software killed photocopying, smartphones and tablets are killing inkjet and photo printers. Even with the recent diversi- fication strategy, Xerox still relies to some extent on these copier and printer product categories. But it depends much less on such products than competitors Hewlett-Packard and Lexmark International do. Thus, experts predict, Xerox will rebound much more quickly than its rivals in the coming years. Burns and crew are
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Company Case 2
Xerox: Fanamboarana mba hifanaraka amin'ny Marketing ny hotakotaka Tontolo iainana
Xerox nampiditra ny ny fi voalohany ny ny fi tsotra-taratasy copier taona mihoatra ny 50 taona lasa izay. Ao amin'ny taona maro tatỳ aoriana, ny orinasa ma- naneho fa Photocopying NY at-avy Nanjakazaka tamin'ny namany ny orinasa dia Noforonina FMA. Ny anarana efa lasa levitra Xerox noho ny fandikana (toy ny ao amin'ny "aho Xerox izany ho anareo"). Nandritra ny taona maro, Xerox Rehefa niady eny manodidina manodidina ny mpifanandrina mba hijanona tampon'ny ny ny fi ercely fifaninanana copier orinasa. Amin'ny alalan'ny faramparan'ny taona 1990, ny mpomba Xerox ny fi TS sy Stock fainic fiakaran'ny vidiny. Ary tamin'izay dia lasa zava-dratsy ny zavatra ho Xerox. Ny malaza pany ma- ny Stock sy ny fahababoana naka vavony fanontsankontsanana Manitrika. 18 volana monja, Xerox very $ 38 lavitrisa amin'ny tsena Sarobidy sasany. By mid- 2001, ny vidin'ny Stock Uh Nanjary avy amin'ny efa ho $ 70 tamin'ny 1999 ny ambany $ 5. Ny tsena indrindra mpitarika sy ny fahantrana-hita ny tenany ao amin'ny Brink avy niraharaha. Fa inona no nitranga? Hanome tsiny azy eo na hanova-fa-on Xerox ny Ny tsy mba Ampifanaraho amin'ny fanovana haingana varotra NY ara- tontolo iainana. Izao tontolo izao wasnt Ny fandehanana haingana nomerika, Xerox NEFA Uh choimhlint Choinnigh fifampiandaniana tsy niakatra.
Ao amin'ny tontolo iainana nomerika vaovao, Xerox Mpanjifa intsony Re nandainga NY eo amin'ny orinasa ny vokatra-standalone copiers agship-Original sy ny antontan-taratasy mba hizara. Tsy pumping ka Mizara stacks ny mainty sy fotsy dika mitovy, tsy * Noforonina digi- tal hay tanisana antontan-taratasy sy nozaraina elektronika. Na tsia * pirinty avy maro ny dika mitovy amin'ny Networked printy teo akaiky teo. Ao amin'ny sehatra malalaka kokoa, Raha be atao izay hahatonga lafatra ny Xerox wasnt dika mitovy milina, fainic Mpanjifa mijery Raha mila fanazavana be pitsiny "solu- seconding fitantanana antontan-taratasy." Te izay Aoka Dis izany rafitra scan antontan-taratasy ao Frankfurt; HO hay tanisana manenona maro loko, namboarina tao San Francisco showpieces; ary ireo trano fanontam hay tanisana amin'ny Mpangataka amin'ny L ondon-na dia alter- tra ny tsipelin 'anglisy amerikana.
Xerox ity sisa eo amoron'ny ny fi nancial loza. "Faly izahay fa tsy vola ary vitsy Ny fanantenana noho ny fanaovana Any," hoy i Ursula Burns Xerox Tale Jeneralin'ny faladiany. "Ny zavatra iray tsara wasnt te ity sy mahery mifanaraka Mpitarika sy fainic izay mety Get antsika amin'ny alalan'ny dia zavatra ary tsy manana fa nanao." Burns didnt mahatsapa izany tamin'izany fotoana izany, NEFA ve hitarika ny orinasa izy indray andro izy Aiza Uh efa nampiofanina nandritra ny 20 taona. Raha ny marina, dia wasnt eo amoron-tevan'ny leav- ma- ny orinasa mpiara-miasa sy Rehefa ny namany, Anne Mulcahy, CEO ary lasa Burns resy lahatra hijanona. Ary Burns Nomena wasnt didy mba hanomboka manadio trano.
Manomboka ny nanova ny fiainako
Task laharana voalohany: ny outsource Xerox orinasa mpamokatra entana. Matetika dia nanakiana sy tian'ny olona ny hetsika, wasnt OUTSOURCING mitsikera ny Xerox ny vola-mamonjy ezaka. Burns niandraikitra ny processes.we amin'ny fomba mialoha izay nanompo Raha fanatrarana ny naniry ny fi TS Quality Bene vidiny. Ary izy nanao izany tamin'ny fitahiana ny mpiasa ny sendika Xerox convinc- ma- Taorian'ny sendika fa iray na very asa sasany, na tsy misy asa amin'ny Izaho an'i. Noho ny Fanavaozan-drafitra ny orinasa mpamokatra entana, ny mpiasa Xerox nilatsaka avy any 100.000 mpiasa ny 55.000 tao anatin'ny efa-taona. Na- na dia izany sy ny hafa koa ezaka niverina tany amin'ny mpomba ny fi tability Xerox rehefa afaka taona vitsivitsy, ny fanontaniana lehibe mbola sisa: Inona raharaham-barotra no tena ao Xerox?
Mba hamaliana izany fanontaniana izany, Xerox NY fanavaozana indray ny mifantoka ny mpanjifa. Mifantoka amin'ny volom-borona Uh Xerox copier fitaovana. Nefa "fainic Atao nitaritarika ny Tale HO ny Mpanjifa lehibe, Ny fomba fanaovana raharaham-barotra PITSINY hay tanisana," hoy i Burns. Alohan'ny Fampandrosoana vokatra vaovao, Xerox mpikaroka end- toa tsy Customer Natao mifantoka vondrona. Sophie Vandebroek, ny lehiben'ny Xerox teknolojia ny ny fi cer, izany hoe "manonofy miaraka ny mpanjifa." Ny tanjona, dia niady hevitra, dia ny "mahakasika [Xerox] manam-pahaizana Aoka ho fantatrareo ny teknolojia miaraka ny fahamarinana ny fahamarinana Mpanjifa Aoka ho fantatrareo ny fanaintainana teboka. . . Mately .Ulti- zava-baovao dia ny tia ny mpanjifa. "Xerox dia ny Fahatakarana ny Hevitry Mpanjifa Nahita Izany no fotsiny ho an'ny" zava-dehibe ny teknolojia noho ny fahalalana. Inona no Izany Nianatra Xerox Mpanjifa didnt fotsiny copi- tiako mpi-; * Mitady tsy ho mora kokoa, haingana kokoa, ary tsy lafo vidy ny fomba hizarana antontan-taratasy sy Original. Ho vokany, ny orinasa FMA mba Re-hieritreritra, Rede amin'ny fi ne, ary reinvent tenany. Miavaka Xerox nandalo fiovana. Dia nijanona de ny fi piandohana mihitsy avy amin'ny "copier orinasa." Raha ny marina, dia nijanona NA Manao standalone copiers. Kosa, Rox Xe- billing Nanomboka ny tenany amin'izao tontolo izao taratasy mpitarika ara- fitantanana orinasa teknolojia sy ny asa. Ny orinasa vao minted wasnt iraka mba hanampy ny orinasa "ho mahay momba ny antontan-taratasy." Izany fiovan'ny hanamafisan Noforonina Customer vaovao ny fifandraisana, ny avy amin'ny vaovao tsara mpifaninana. Raha tokony fivarotana ny fitaovana Fividianana mpitantana copiers, Xerox nahita tena Mampitombo sy mivarotra kevitra fitantanana rafitra ho avo lenta Tech- nology Original (IT) mpitantana. Raha tokony nifanitsaka ireo loha-on amin'ny dika mitovy milina mpifaninana tahaka ny Sharp, Canon, sy Ricoh, Xerox izao squaring eny wasnt hamelezana azy orinasa tahaka ny HP sy IBM. Na dia tojo asa fandaharam-potoana potholes Teny an-dalana, ny orinasa sy ny fahantrana Fantatra ho an'ny malaza "copier orinasa" lasa miha-mahazo aina Miaraka amin'ny vaovao maha avy amin'ny tahirin-kevitra fitantanana orinasa.
Fanorenana New herin'i
Xerox ny fidiram-bola, mpomba ny fi TS, ary ny vidiny Nanomboka mba haneho famantarana ny fanarenana . Fa ny korontana no ambaranay Estimates ho an'ny Mety over, nefa tena hafa ny tontolo iainana hery fanamby nitsangana-Reces- Lehibe syn. Ny karena mafy ny fototra kivy Xerox fanontana sy maka tahaka fitaovana sy ny asa fandraharahana, sy ny fivarotana ny orinasa sy ny vidiny nianjera sy ny fahantrana indray. Noho izany ao amin'ny tetezamita lehibe hetsika mba hitazona ny vàhana, Xerox nahazo fahana ny fi Af liated puter Services (ACS), iray lavitrisa $ 6.4-IT asa powerhouse miaraka amin'ny tongony eto amin'ny anoloan'ny varavaran'ny trano toa ny fi taona indray ny rehetra eo amin'izao tontolo izao. Ny Expertise, fahaiza-manao, sy Miorina Mafy mason-ACS Xerox fainic ilaina mihitsy no raharaham-barotra vaovao mba handray ny drafitra mila fanampiana izy. Ny ivo-Xerox, ACS, ary ny hafa ho vavo- lombelona compa- nahazo DG niafara amin'ny malalaka portfolio-ny Customer-mifantoka prod- Prod, rindrambaiko, ary ny asa ho an'ny orinasa mitantana io fanampiana Mpanjifa antontan-taratasy sy ny Original. Raha ny marina, Xerox DG intro- duced zava-baovao mihoatra ny 130 vokatra vaovao tao anatin'ny efa-taona irery. Izany dia nanome vokatra nomerika sy ny rafitra miainga amin'ny tambajotra mpanonta sy multifunction fitaovana ho loko fanaovana pirinty sy famoahana rafitra, nomerika milina fanontam-pirinty, ary "boky Orinasa." Tsy Ar Offers ny mahavariana tsy atao pirinty intsony Array fitantanana Consulting sy ny OUTSOURCING tolotra izay manampy ny orinasa MAMPIASA NY FIFANDRAISANA-tserasera taratasy tahirin- miasa ao-trano printy fivarotana na mailrooms, handinika ahoana mpiasa EF nihira ny fi ciently anjara ankamaroan'ny antontan-taratasy sy ny fahalalana, ka hanao Internet-mifototra Ny fomba fanaovana toetrany alizing mivantana namany Sary, faktiora, sy bokikely. Ireo vokatra vaovao Xerox Navelako mba hanome vahaolana ho an'ny mpanjifa, fa tsy hoe fitaovana. Ohatra, fitaovana vaovao izany DG orinasa fiantohana ho an'ny mpanjifa-iray voalamina tsara amin'ny scanning solosaina, ny fanontam-pirinty, ary ny Internet fahaiza-manao. Fa tsy miantehitra amin'ny paositra Etazonia Service mba hitaterana mafy dika mitovy ny fanambarana, ary mifandray Ireo antontan-taratasy ireo Scanned tamin'ny-toerana, nandamina, resy, ka Ataovy hiasa avy hatrany HO NY ow rafitra. Tsy
fotsiny raitra Gadget vaovao ho an'ny orinasa ny fiantohana. Izy ireo dia tena Bene ny fi TS nahiratra. Error Rates no Nihena be Miaraka amin'ny fa- cessing ny fotoana, ary izany dia midika hoe mitombo amin'ny vola sy ny tives tomer Satisfaction.
Manonofy Ankoatra Ny fari
Noho ny fitambaran'ny hery Xerox teo aloha sy ny vaovao novidiny, Burns sy ny Sisa Amin'ny Xerox ekipa aho ankehitriny nofinofy sary ny hoe inona no miandry antsika. Mino izy ireo fa ny fitaovana sy ny fanompoana fahazaran-dratsy tsy nahazo Mpanjifa * Manolora manara-penitra. "Tsy Medicaid fandoavam-bola fotsiny fanodinana,", hoy i Stephen Hoover, talen'ny fikarohana Xerox ny cruising. "Izany dia midika hoe mampiasa ny fiaraha-monina cognition fikarohana mba hanampy Wellness taca izay manampy ny olona tsara kokoa ny fitantanana ny fepetra toy ny diabeta." Hoover Hoy koa i mimanda Future Enga anie hahita taranaka vaovao ny Xerox fitaovana, natsipy avy izay mihira handinika tena-ny fotoana park- tra sy Traf ny fi C antontan-kevitra mpanjifa ny ben'ny tanàna, mamela hay tanisana mba hanampy olom-pirenena Spots toerana fiantsonan'ny tapakila na hay tanisana avy hatrany Rehefa tsy * ianao Handeha haingana loatra. Efa, ny ankamaroan'ny tsena Xerox fa mizaha toetra toeram metatra dia afaka ny fiantsoana 911 na maka sary Raha misy bokotra no nanosika. Tsy mpikambana nariana vokatra ireo dia namely ny as- Ket, NEFA Xerox ankehitriny modely DG izay mamela azy ho any amin'ny fantatra mihoatra noho ireo fetra. Nandritra orinasa io niova tanteraka, Xerox tsy subordinated Nitady amin'ny miezaka tsara kokoa copiers. Kosa, dia mifantoka amin'ny fanatsarana Izany processes.we Any raharaham-barotra na ny fitondram-panjakana izay mila hanatanteraka sy hanao EF kokoa ny fi ciently izany. Xerox vanim-potoana vaovao-milina nianatra namaky teny sady manana ny antontan-taratasy tsy * fantatrao Notarafina, sy hampihena ny fahantrana PITSINY asa izay naka herinandro any amin'ny minitra na ny segondra NA. Manomboka izao, Xerox Te-ho mpitarika sy ny raharaham-barotra eran-fitantanana-kevitra sy ny asa ny teknolojia mpamatsy processes.we. Miaraka amin'ny mpikambana nanelatrelatra mihamisongadina teknolojia amin'izao fotoana izao, Burns ma- knowledges asa barotra voaro mafy orinasa ao Xerox izay Fampandrosoana NY vaovao no manapa-kevitra ny fahaiza-unsexy fototra. NEFA, Ar dia manondro izy hoe: "Ireo no dingana orinasa fa ny tokony mihazakazaka raharaham-barotra. Ireny dia avy amin'ny sideline; fa tsy ny zava-dehibe indrindra. "Ny hevitra dia, nihazakazaka Ny fomba fanaovana raharaham-barotra Ireo Xe- Rox izao ny zava-dehibe indrindra. Amin'ny teny hafa, Xerox Manome taratasy Ary tolotra amin'ny Mpanjifa Mpanjifa hihira voaro mafy ity ations mifantoka amin'ny zavatra iray Indrindra-ny tena raharaham-barotra. Xerox ny tetezamita dia mbola asa amin'ny fandrosoana. Nandritra ny telo taona, ny orinasa ny vola miditra sy ny mpomba ny fi TS Efa mba NY nandritra ny fahazazany tsotra ny DG NY uctuated vidiny. Fotsiny ny e-mail sy ny biraonao rindrambaiko Novonoina Photocopying, smartphone sy ny takela-bato dia inkjet sy ny sary mpanao pirinty famonoana. Na dia eo aza ny vao haingana ny fi diversi- vitan 'ny tetikady, Xerox mbola miantehitra amin'ny lafiny sasany amin'ny copier sy ny mpanao pirinty Ireo sokajy vokatra. Fa toy izany dia miankina amin'ny vokatra Koa mainka noho ny mpifaninana Hewlett-Packard sy Lexmark Iraisam-pirenena ho an'ny. Fanamboarana, manam-pahaizana mialoha, Xerox dia Hiverina be haingana kokoa noho ny mpifanandrina amin'ny andro ho avy taona. Burns sy ny mpiasa dia
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